Indie Books: Why You Should Give Them a Chance
Find some hidden gems.
There used to be a time when if you wanted to be a published author, you had to go through a publishing company. These days, you can do it yourself, quickly and easily.
Anyone can write anything and self-publish it online, whether they release their work as an e-book, a printed book or both. This is great because it gives everyone the opportunity to share their writing with others and maybe even make some money.
Self-publishing programs are undeniably a boon to budding writers who want to put their work out there without going through the hassle of dealing with publishing companies.
Should consumers give indie books a chance? Absolutely.
I’m a self-published author and I wholeheartedly champion indie works. It’s amazing that there’s a route to making your writing publicly available that doesn’t involve going through traditional publishers.
Yes, publishing traditionally has its advantages, but there are also some disadvantages associated with it.
The two main ones are as follows: your work could be rejected; it can take a long time for your work to be published. With self-publishing, you can release anything without anyone else telling you it’s not worthy of being published, and you can put it out there right away.
So what is it about indie books that some people find off-putting? It’s mainly the fact that self-published writing can lack polish.
There can be numerous spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, formatting issues and other sorts of issues with the text. Usually with traditionally published works, these things are non-existent, if not few and far between.
Self-published authors sometimes miss a lot of imperfections, plus they don’t always have the funds to pay someone to check their work for them. A book that’s traditionally published, by contrast, usually has nothing wrong with it.
But what about the content? Indie books have just as much of a right to be available (both digitally and in print) because the content they contain can be incredibly worthwhile.
You can enjoy a story written and self-published by an indie author just as much as a story released through a traditional publishing house. Just because the author hasn’t succeeded or even tried at getting the work published traditionally, doesn’t mean it’s any less worthy of being given a chance by the general public.
Someone might happen to like an indie novel, for example, more than a novel published the traditional way.
Self-publishing gives pieces of writing that have been rejected by traditional publishers, a chance. It gets rid of barriers and allows the world of writing to grow at an exponential rate.
What you get to read is no longer determined by people working for traditional publishing companies. There are lots more options out there thanks to self-publishing.
Some indie books might not be as polished or expertly prepared as traditionally published books; this much is true. But it’s their content that matters and their content doesn’t necessarily lack quality.
No matter how a piece of writing is published, it should have a chance to be read.
If you limit yourself to books that are published traditionally, you’re missing out because indie books have a lot to offer.
Give indie books a chance and you could discover some great hidden gems. They’re out there and they’re easy to find, so go ahead and add some to your reading list.